The correct functioning of the immune system is the basis of good health. The immune system acts as a protective shield against pathogens, restores internal balance after a challenge and prevents the body attacking its own tissues. Multiple factors can alter this balance and favour the onset or progression of diseases, with a large number of the disorders that affect people today linked to immune dysfunction.
Immunotherapy is based on the treatment or prevention of diseases by targeting the immune system and offers a wide range of possibilities to specifically regulate immune function. Amongst them, micro-immunotherapy is a therapeutic approach that uses the same molecules and immunomodulatory substances responsible for the communication between cells and the other elements that naturally coordinate immune response (e.g. cytokines, growth factors, hormones). Speaking the same language as the body, it seeks to maintain or restore balance, neutralise the pathological effects of immune stressors (such as viral infections) and counteract the development or progression of pathologies that drive immune imbalance.
With a broad spectrum of specific formulas and scope across autoimmune diseases, bacterial infections, allergies, viral infections and reactivations, stress and more, this integrative therapy offers support in both acute and chronic disorders. Suitable for all ages with simple sublingual administration, immunotherapy is compatible with conventional and natural medicine protocols and can be drawn on as part of a powerful holistic plan.